Wardrobe edit

Wardrobe edit

Is your wardrobe full, but you feel like you have nothing to wear?

Are you always wearing the same outfits?

Perhaps some of your pieces date back to a time when you were a different size or maybe some of them still have the tags on, destined to never be worn?

My wardrobe edit will result in you leaving behind the items that just don't work for you and finding the items that you'll look good and feel good in.

How it works?

We start with an informal chat about your needs discovering what clothes reflect your personality and lifestyle. Then we work through all the items in your wardrobe, separating them into pieces that you no longer wear and the ones that love and suit you. You'll receive colour and style tips as we go, so that you can understand why some items need to go and some and deserve their lasting place in your wardrobe. We'll also discuss combinations and how to make the most of the clothes you already have, plus how to organise them and save you time in the morning. After the audit, we'll identify what's missing and what you should invest in during your next shopping trip.

I can even help you out on your shopping trip with my personal shopping services

A wardrobe edit will

  • Give you a wardrobe that works for you and your lifestyle.
  • Provide new ideas for outfit combinations.
  • Save you time in the morning.
  • Stop you impulse buying.
  • Leave you with a wardrobe full of clothes you'll love.


approximately 3 hours (depending on the size of your wardrobe)

£70 per hour (minimum 2 hours)

A shopping list of any items you'll need to complete your look

In the comfort of your home

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla pulvinar dapibus urna, molestie congue arcu bibendum vitae. Duis efficitur arcu magna, vitae sodales elit iaculis id. Cras pulvinar justo id dignissim malesuada. Morbi sit amet dignissim lorem. Sed consectetur molestie eros, a elementum felis. Aliquam vestibulum eleifend lorem vitae dignissim. Praesent bibendum et enim sit amet cursus. Sed id erat eleifend, tincidunt arcu eu, suscipit lectus. Aliquam volutpat laoreet arcu, eget accumsan nunc tempus at. Proin vel dui aliquam, fringilla nulla id, bibendum leo.

Example Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla pulvinar dapibus urna, molestie congue arcu bibendum vitae. Duis efficitur arcu magna, vitae sodales elit iaculis id. Cras pulvinar justo id dignissim malesuada. Morbi sit amet dignissim lorem. Sed consectetur molestie eros, a elementum felis. Aliquam vestibulum eleifend lorem vitae dignissim. Praesent bibendum et enim sit amet cursus. Sed id erat eleifend, tincidunt arcu eu, suscipit lectus. Aliquam volutpat laoreet arcu, eget accumsan nunc tempus at. Proin vel dui aliquam, fringilla nulla id, bibendum leo.

Example Name

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